一小段英文 翻不出來 請大家幫忙
Smaller uneveness between the floor-rails and the foundation after the floor-rails are fitted will evened with small aluminium dies.--->此句翻不出來...請大大幫忙全文是:Fitting starts from the edge of the pool coping (rim) on a horizontal foundation. Smaller uneveness between the floor-rails and the foundation after the... 顯示更多 Smaller uneveness between the floor-rails and the foundation after the floor-rails are fitted will evened with small aluminium dies.--->此句翻不出來...請大大幫忙 全文是: Fitting starts from the edge of the pool coping (rim) on a horizontal foundation. Smaller uneveness between the floor-rails and the foundation after the floor-rails are fitted will evened with small aluminium dies. Gaps between the floor-rails and the foundation will close with the CAMPANA(公司名) BAP (ground structure difference equation profile) like shown in our catalogue page8.
我同意樓上的 Vincent 說的,第一位的大大真得有點混,但是也要對 Vincent 的翻譯,提出一點不同的看法(純粹切磋,請勿見怪): 1)floor-rails:從前後文來看,這份文件應該是重型機械的安裝說明書其中的一段,而有些機器為了方便操作,會在工廠的地面上安裝地軌,也就是 floor rails,所以我認為這邊的floor-rails是一個「複合專有名詞」,應該不是翻成「地板-鐵軌」,而應該翻成「地軌」。 2)foundation:應該不是泛指一般的「地面」,應該是工廠在安裝重型機械前都必須要事先施作的「基台」。「基台」是在原有地面先挖一個槽(也就是本段第一行的 pool),然後以鋼板或水泥強化,使其能負荷機械的重量及運作時的震動,以維持機械的精密度。 3)aluminium dies:die通常是指「模子」,但有時是指「壓鑄的成品」,在這裡應該是指「鋁質壓鑄板」才通順。其實,地軌的施工廠商為了現場施工的需要,也會生產 floor-rails Kit(地軌套件),而此處的aluminium dies應該就是為了處理地軌與基台間的些微不平,而生產的Kit,以便填平兩者間的高低差。 4)最後,「after the floor-rails are fitted」是個形容詞子句(are fitted作被安裝),主句是「Smaller uneveness will evened with small aluminium dies.」,所以「after the floor-rails are fitted」應該翻作「在地軌(被)安裝完成後…..」 所以全句應該翻作: 在安裝了地軌以後,地軌和基座之間如果有些微的不平,就用小尺寸的鋁質壓鑄板來鋪平
不要隨便用網路翻譯充數吧Smaller uneveness between the floor-rails and the foundation after the floor-rails are fitted will evened with small aluminium dies.地板-鐵軌, 還有地板-鐵軌後地面間的小小不平坦處可以用小的鋁製鋼模填平 2006-10-30 11:54:10 補充: uneveness 不平坦(n.)foundation 基礎..在這裡就是地面fitted will 很合適的填起來..就是填平evened 動詞..填平..使平坦die 名詞..鋼模..沖模(翻成骰子太奇怪)|||||較小的不前夕在地板之間-鐵路和地板後的基礎-鐵路被適合與小的鋁骰子一起相等的意志08BB6EBEAAF52C0C
- Apr 02 Sat 2016 13:41
一小段英文 翻不出來 請大家幫忙