
中翻英 和 英翻中 拜託急用..!!


1.有你在就很幸福 2.因為愛你就要無怨無悔的喜歡你 3.你在我的生命中 誰也無法取代的位子 ---------------------以上是中翻英----------------------------------- 1.with loves for a lifetime ---------------------以上是英翻中------------------------------------


先說好,我不是一個字一個子翻譯的喔~ 我只不過是把它以英文的角度來撰寫的。 1. I am happy when you're with me. 或者是I am happy when you're around. 2. I will never stop loving you, because I love you. 3. No one can ever replace you in my life. ~一輩子的愛~


1.Have you at very happy. 2.Because love you will like you with no regret. 3.You get to hit the right at me who also irreplaceable seat . ↓英翻中 1.藉由愛為終生|||||1.Has you in very to be happy 2. Because likes you having to have complain and regret likes you 3. You are very important in my life, no one can replace you in my heart ! 4. 以對終身的愛08BB6EBEAAF52C0C

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