自己翻的可以幫我修正一下嗎?1.thus did the court dominate the theatre throughout Charles's reign.因此,在察爾斯統治的這段時期裡,由宮廷裡支配戲劇。2.At no time in british history have so many playwrights been drawn from the ranks of the aristocracy and... 顯示更多 自己翻的 可以幫我修正一下嗎? 1.thus did the court dominate the theatre throughout Charles's reign. 因此,在察爾斯統治的這段時期裡,由宮廷裡支配戲劇。 2.At no time in british history have so many playwrights been drawn from the ranks of the aristocracy and gentry. 在英國的歷史上,從沒有拉進這麼多階級在上流社會和紳士階級的劇作家。 ,。 (不難!!一定要看完它ㄒ_ㄒ其實很多人名啦!!謝謝!!) 3.Two dukes - Newcastle and Buckingham - several earls, including Orrery and Bristol, and a smattering of Knights like Robert Howard, Samuel Tuke, George Etherege and Charles Sedley wrote or co - authored popular plays, some of enduring quality. Newcastle和Buckingham兩位公爵, 和幾位伯爵。 包括Orrery和Bristol,和少數的騎士像是Robert Howard,Samuel Tuke,George Etherege和Charles Sedley寫的或是共創的有名戲劇,和一些永遠不變的上流社會人士。 這段"Charles Sedley寫的或是共創的有名戲劇"怪怪的>
(1)thus did the court dominate the theatre throughout Charles's reign 做了因而法院控制劇院在查爾斯的王朝過程中。 (2)At no time in british history have so many playwrights been drawn from the ranks of the aristocracy and gentry. 決不在英國的歷史有許多編劇是拉長從貴族政府和紳士的等級。 (3)Two dukes - Newcastle and Buckingham - several earls, including Orrery and Bristol, and a smattering of Knights like Robert Howard, Samuel Tuke, George Etherege and Charles Sedley wrote or co - authored popular plays, some of enduring quality. 二位公爵- 新堡和Buckingham - 幾伯爵, 包括太陽系儀和布里斯托爾, 和smattering 騎士喜歡羅伯特?霍華德, Samuel Tuke, 喬治?Etherege 並且查爾斯?Sedley 寫了或co - 被創作的普遍的戲劇, 一些忍受質量。 (3)Spanish 『intrigue』dramas, whose lively heroines offered good roles for women who were for who were for the first time permitted on the stage; French comedy, most notably adaptations or translations of Moliere's works; 西班牙?intrigue?dramas, 活潑的女英雄提供好角色為婦女是為誰第一次被允許了在階段; Moliere 的工作的法國喜劇、最著名地適應或翻譯; heroic plays in rhyming couplets with elaborate sets that drew on French staging as well as the tradition of early seventeenth-century court masques-all these Restoration fashions, 英勇戲劇在押韻的couplets 以畫在法國分級法並且早期的十七世紀法院傳統面具所有這些恢復時尚的精心製作的集合, though some had English antecedents, had been shaped during the royalist exile in Europe and were vigorously supported by the king and his followers on their return to power. 雖然一些有英國祖先, 被塑造了在保皇黨人流放期間在歐洲和由國王和他的追隨者蒼勁地支持了在他們的回歸到力量。 2008-06-29 05:03:35 補充: though some had English antecedents, had been shaped during the royalist exile in Europe 雖然一些有英國祖先, 被塑造了在保皇黨人流放期間在歐洲
- Apr 04 Mon 2016 22:33